Use Dependency Auditor engine from VBA macro
Dependency Auditor allows you to go through dependencies using Visual Basic macro.
This VBA code creates Dependency Auditor Engine:
Dim oEngine As Object
Set oEngine = CreateObject("XDA.Connect")
This engine has one method:
Trace( <Range>, <mode> )
Range - Excel's Range object for which dependency will be traced
mode - what you want to trace. Possible values:
- precedents
- dependents
- inputs
It returns Trace Item object.
Trace Item properties:
- Type integer value, which represents contents of this item: 0 - Range of cells, 1 - Single cell, 2 - constant value
- Range Excel's Range object
- Name if this item is constant entered in the NameBox (type=2), this property returns it's name
- Count Count of the sub-items (dependents/precedents/inputs), depending on what you are tracing
- Item( index ) returns sub-item. Index is integer 1-based value.
Trace Item properties:
- Display show Dependency Auditor window, which starts tracing from this item.
- Select select current item (if this is Range) in Excel
Macro which exports precendents of the specific range into another worksheet looks like this:
Public Sub ExportDependenciesToSheet2()
On Error GoTo err_handler
' clear Sheet2
Dim sSheet As String, sAddress As String
sSheet = Range("C6")
sAddress = Range("D6")
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Example.xls")
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Dim oRange As Range
Set oRange = wb.Sheets(sSheet).Range(sAddress)
Dim oEngine As Object
Set oEngine = CreateObject("XDA.Connect")
Dim oTraceItem As Object
Set oTraceItem = oEngine.Trace(oRange, "precedents")
Dim nLastRow As Integer
nLastRow = 2
Call ExportTraceItem(oTraceItem, 1, nLastRow)
Set oTraceItem = Nothing
Set oEngine = Nothing
Set wb = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(1, 1).Select
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub ExportTraceItem(ByRef oItem As Object, nIndent As Integer, ByRef nLastRow As Integer)
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")
If oItem.Type = 2 Then
ws.Cells(nLastRow, nIndent + 1).Value = oItem.Name
' worksheet name
ws.Cells(nLastRow, nIndent + 1).Value = oItem.Range.Parent.Name
' cell address
ws.Cells(nLastRow, nIndent + 2).Value = oItem.Range.Address
End If
nLastRow = nLastRow + 1
Set ws = Nothing
Dim oSubItem As Object
' export sub items
Dim nItem As Integer
For nItem = 1 To oItem.Count
' get pointer to sub item
Set oSubItem = oItem.Item(nItem)
' export it
Call ExportTraceItem(oSubItem, nIndent + 1, nLastRow)
Set oSubItem = Nothing
End Sub