Technical Support

This page contains instructions on how to get the support

Spreadsheet Tools welcomes your inquiries. You can contact us by e-mail, or fill the Technical Request form on the Spreadsheet Tools website.

We suggest you to review the topics below. Possible you'll find answer to your questions about Dependency Auditor here.

Find cell/range ...

Dependency Auditor allows you to quickly find cell or cell from specific range in tree.

Dependency Auditor - find cell dialog

To start search you should enter target address and press Ok button. Address could be in short form A1, B2:D24, or full address 'Model'!C34:X34.

Import current selection from Excel button allows you to select address in Excel, and then import it into edit box. This feature makes address selection fast and easy. Also, you will not make a mistake when entering necessary address.

To find out how this feature could be used, please check our How to ... topic.